Established in 2011, the Outback Queensland Education Experience Program is designed specifically for QLD school groups to learn from Outback communities and integrate history and STEM into learning objectives that compliment the school curriculum. Explore nature, astronomy, dinosaurs, agriculture, and indigenous communities with subsidies of up to $150 per student available to QLD school groups.
Whether you want to visit Flinders, Richmond, McKinlay, Cloncurry, Mount Isa, Barcaldine, Blackall-Tambo, Longreach, Winton, Barcoo, Boulia, Diamantina, Murweh, Paroo, Quilpie, Bulloo, Croydon, Etheridge, Burke, or Carpentaria, then you are eligible to apply (see full terms in the link provided below).
This program is delivered by Tourism & Events QLD in line with Queensland Government initiatives.
There is no better time to explore what QLD has to offer. Educational Adventures provide an extensive Outback program specifically for school groups. We can also tailor make an itinerary suited to your specific learning objectives. Allow your school students a further understanding into the nation’s rich history.

To access the full subsidy program information and apply for your QLD school group to receive the subsidy please visit:
What are you waiting for?
Image Credits: QLD Tourism Image Gallery